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Magnus Åberg. An analysis of Dwarvish - 2
Magnus Åberg. An analysis of Dwarvish
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Appendix: Alphabetical list of the attested words in Khuzdul, with references
I have in many regards copied the list exposed on the Ardalambion Khuzdul site by Helge Fauskanger, whom I give most of the credit for this list. According to his own words, his list is "mostly based on a list compiled by Lisa Star that appeared in Tyalië Tyelelliéva #4 p.22; she in turn thanked Jim Gillogly, Alberto Monteiro and Anthony Appleyard for helpful comments and suggestions”. Nevertheless, I have made my own (in my opinion) more or less relevant changes in the following list. Among other changes, I have inserted a glottal stop <’> where there should be one according to my theories (but I have ignored it in the alphabetization). Also I have included my hypothetically reconstructed nouns in the singular absolute state (marked with an asterisk), and those that are not names have a parenthetical note on which declension they belong to. Other hypothetically reconstructed words I have marked with an asterisk and given the assumed part of speech in a similar parenthetical note. I have also inserted entries for the radicals of all verbs, adjectives and nouns, except opaque untranslated names; radicals that are not cited as such by Tolkien are marked with an asterisk. Note that the hypothetical words are my own guesses, and not a statement that they actually do exist. Some of the words are stated in some sources but contradicted in others. I have put the words which are contradicted in this article within braces.
’aglâb "(spoken) language” (3rd decl. with suffix?) [The War of the Jewels, p. 395]
*’agl "(spoken) language” (3rd decl.) (in ’aglâb, q.v.)
’ai-, a reduced form of ’aya, q.v.
’ai-mênu "upon you” (prep. + pron.) [The Lord of the Rings, book III ch. 7; Appendix F I]
[*’ân "river(?)” (3rd decl., type B?) (in Gabilân, q.v.) [The War of the Jewels, p. 336]]
’aya "upon" (prep.) [The War of the Ring, p. 20]
*’azagh "make war(?)” (vb.) (in ’Azaghâl, q.v.)
’Azaghâl ”warrior(?)” (name of the Lord of Belegost) [The Silmarillion, ch. 20]
[*’azan "dim, dark(?)” (adj.) (in ’Azanulbizar, q.v.)]
’azanul- "of the shadows (lit. dimnesses-ish)” (1st decl. pl. with adjectival suffix) [The Lord of the Rings, The Reader’s Companion, p. 269]
’Azanûl, a form Tolkien seems to have replaced with Azanulbizar, q.v. [The Return of the Shadow p. 466]
’Azanulbizar "Dimrill Dale" [The Lord of the Rings, book II ch. 4]
baraz "red" (adj.) (in Barazinbar, q.v.) [The Treason of Isengard p.174]
Baraz "Red One(?)", short name of Barazinbar, q.v. [The Lord of the Rings, book II ch.3]
Barazinbar ”Redhorn” (one of the Mountains of Moria) [The Lord of the Rings, book II ch.3]
bark "axe” (3rd decl.) Parma Eldalamberon, issue #17, p. 85
baruk "axes” (3rd decl., pl.) Parma Eldalamberon, issue #17, p. 85
Baruk Khazâd ”axes of the Dwarves” (battle-cry) [Appendix F I]
*bâzan "root” (2nd decl.) (in Buzundush, q.v.)
bizar ”rill” (4th decl.) (in Azanulbizar, q.v.; cf. bizâr); earlier interpretation: "valley” [The Return of the Shadow p. 466]
bizâr ”rills” (4th decl., pl.) [The Lord of the Rings, The Reader’s Companion, p. 269
B-N-D radicals of bund, q.v. [The Treason of Isengard p. 174]
B-R-K radicals of *bark, q.v.
B-R-Z radicals of baraz, q.v. [The Treason of Isengard p.174]
bund "(bald) head" (1st decl.) (in Bundushathur, Sharbhund qq.v.) [The Treason of Isengard p. 174, Unfinished Tales, p. 98]
Bundushathûr ”Cloudyhead” (one of the Mountains of Moria) [The Lord of the Rings, book II ch. 3]Buzundush "Morthond/Blackroot" [The Treason of Isengard p. 167]
B-Z-N radicals of *bâzan, q.v.
B-Z-R radicals of bizar, q.v.
D-B-N, radicals of *dubn, q.v.
D-Sh radicals of *dush, q.v.
duban "valley” (1st decl., constr.) [The Lord of the Rings, The Reader’s Companion p. 269]
duban ’azanulbizar "valley of the rills of the shadows” (the full name of ’Azanulbizar in the later interpretation) [The Lord of the Rings, The Reader’s Companion p. 269]
*dubn "valley” (1st decl) (cf. duban.)
dûm ”mansion” (probably assimilated form of *tûm, q.v.) (in Khazad-dûm, q.v.) [Appendix F II] (Alternatively: "mansions, delvings” (plural or collective) [The Silmarillion, Index, Khazad-dûm]
*dush "black” (adj.) (in Buzundush and possibly ’Udushinbar, qq.v.)
felak 1 "hewer” (tool and person) (uncertain decl.); 2 "to use a felak 1” (vb.) [Peoples of Middle-Earth, p. 352]
Felakgundu (also Felaggundu) ”Cave-hewer” (the Dwarvish epithet of Finrod, rendered as Felagund by the Elves) [Peoples of Middle-Earth, p. 352]
felek ”hew rock” (vb.) [Peoples of Middle-Earth, p. 352]
*F-L-K radicals of felak, felek, qq.v.
*gabil ”great” (adj.) (in Gabilân, Gabilgathol, qq.v.)
Gabilân ”Great River (alternatively: Great One)(?)” (Sirion) [War of the Jewels, p. 336]
Gabilgathol ”Great Fortress” (Belegost) [The Silmarillion, ch. 10; The Lost Road, p. 274]
gamil ”old(?)” (adj.) (in Gamil Zirak, q.v.)
Gamil Zirak "old spike(?) (=old master(?))” (name of a Dwarf-smith, master of Telchar of Nogrod) [Unfinished Tales, p. 76]
*gathol ”fortress” (uncertain decl.) (in Gabilgathol, q.v.)
*G-B-L radicals of *gabil, q.v.
*’-G-L radicals of *’agl and *’igal, qq.v
*G-M-L radicals of gamil, q.v.
*G-N-D radicals of *gund, gunud, qq.v.
*G-Th-L radicals of *gathol, q.v.
*gund "subterranean hall” (1st decl.) (in gundu, q.v.)
gundu ”subterranean hall" (probably 1st decl. with a suffix) [Peoples of Middle-Earth, p. 352]
gunud ”make a tunnel” (vb.) [Peoples of Middle-Earth, p. 352]
’Ibun the name of one of Mîm’s sons [The Silmarillion, ch 21, Unfinished Tales, p.102]
*’igal "language” (4th decl.) (in ’iglishmêk, q.v.)
’iglishmêk a Dwarvish gesture-language [War of the Jewels, p. 395]
-inbar "horn” (probably 4th decl. with a metathesis) (in Barazinbar, q.v.; cf. *nibar) [The Treason of Isengard p.174]
K-B-L radicals of kibil, q.v. [The Treason of Isengard p.174]
Khazâd ”Dwarves” (1st decl., plur.) (in Khazâd ai-mênu, Baruk Khazâd, qq.v.) [Appendix F I] (earlier form: Khuzûd)
Khazâd ai-mênu ”the Dwarves [are] upon you” (battle-cry) [Appendix F I]
Khazad-dûm ”Dwarrowdelf" [The Lord of the Rings, book II ch. 3]
kheled ”glass” (5th decl.) (in Kheled-zâram, q.v.) [The Silmarillion, Appendix, p.v. khelek-; The Return of the Shadow, p. 466]
Kheled-zâram "Glass-pool” (the lake Mirrormere) [The Lord of the Rings, book II ch. 3]
Khîm the name of one of Mîm’s sons [The Silmarillion, ch. 21]
*Khizad "Petty-Dwarf(?)” (4th decl.) (in Nulukkhizdîn, q.v.)
*khizdîn "Petty-Dwarf-land(?)" (in Nulukkhizdîn, q.v.)
*Kh-L-D radicals of kheled, q.v.
Khuzd "Dwarf” (1st decl.) (in Khuzdul, Khazâd, qq.v.) [The Lord of the Rings, The Reader’s Companion, p. 269]
Khuzdul "Dwarvish(?)” ((nominalized) adj.) (the Dwarvish language) [Appendix E I]
*Kh-Z-D radicals of Khuzd, *Khizad etc., qq.v.
kibil ”silver (metal)” (5th decl.) [The Treason of Isengard, p. 174]
Kibil-nâla’ "Silverlode" (the river Celebrant) [The Lord of the Rings, book II ch. 3]
[*’-L radicals of ’ûl, q.v.]
*mah "create(?)” (vb.) (in Mahal, q.v.)
Mahal "creator(?)” (Dwarvish name of Aulë) [The Silmarillion, ch. 2]
Mazarbul "(belonging to) the documented(?)" (prob. nominalized vb. (past part.) with adjectival suffix) cf. *zarab [The Lord of the Rings, book II ch. 5]
[M-B-R see N-B-R]
mênu "you" (acc. pl.) (pron.) (in ’ ai-mênu, q.v.) [The War of the Ring, p. 20]
*M-H radicals of *mah, Mahal, qq.v.
Mîm name of a Petty-Dwarf [Silmarillion, ch. 21]
[*’-N radicals of *’ân, q.v.]
*nâd ”(river-)course(?)” (3rd decl., type B?) (in Zigilnâd, q.v.)
nâla’ ”(river-)course(?)” (2nd decl.) (in Kibil-nâla’, Nulukkhizdîn, qq.v.) [The Treason of Isengard, p. 174]
narag "black” (adj.) (in Narag-zâram, Nargûn, qq.v.)
Narag-zâram "Black Pool" [The Return of the Shadow, p. 466]
Nargûn ”Black Country (Mordor)” [Return of the Shadow, p. 466]
N-B-R radicals of -inbar, *nibar, qq.v. [The Treason of Isengard, p. 174; misprinted: M-B-R]
*N-D(-D) radicals of –nâd, qv.
*nibar "horn” (4th decl.) (in Barazinbar, N-B-R, qq.v.) cf. –inbar
*N-L-’ radicals of nâla’, q.v.
N-R-G radicals of narag, Narag-zâram, Nargûn, qq.v. [Return of the Shadow, p. 466]
Nulukkhizdîn ”Petty-Dwarf-land upon the Rivercourse (?)” (Nargothrond) [The Silmarillion, ch. 22 (in the first edition misprinted: Nulukkizdîn, see War of the Jewels, p. 180)]
Nulukkhizidûn ” Petty-Dwarf-land upon the Rivercourse (?)” (abandoned form of Nulukkhizdîn, q.v.) [War of the Jewels, p. 180]
Rakhâs ”Orcs” (1st decl., plur.) [War of the Jewels, p. 391]
R-Kh-S radicals of Rukhs, Rakhâs, qq.v.
Rukhs ”Orc” (1st decl.) [War of the Jewels, p. 391]
salôn possible noun (uncertain decl.), derived from S-L-N, q.v. [Vinyar Tengwar 48:24]
*S-G-N radicals of sigin, q.v.
*sharh "hill(?)” (3rd decl.) (in Sharbhund, q.v.)
Sharbhund "Hill of the Bald Head(?)" (Petty-Dwarvish name of Amon Rûdh) [Unfinished Tales, p. 98][Sharkûn name of Gandalf, replaced by Tharkûn [War of the Jewels(?)]]
*shâthar "cloud” (2nd decl.) (in Bundushathûr, q.v.)
shathûr ”clouds” (2nd decl., pl.) (in Bundushathûr, q.v.)
Shathûr short name of Bundushathûr, q.v. [The Lord of the Rings, book II, ch. 3]
*shimak "gestures(?)” (4th decl.) (in ’iglishmêk, q.v.)
*Sh-M-K radicals of *shimak, q.v.
*Sh-R-H radicals of *sharh, q.v.
*Sh-Th-R radicals of *shâthar, *shathûr, qq.v.
sigin ”long” (adj. (pl.)) (in Sigin-tarâg, q.v.)
Sigin-tarâg "the Longbeards" [Peoples of Middle-Earth p. 321]
S-L-N radicals of "fall, descend swiftly" (vb.) cf. salôn, sulûn [Vinyar Tengwar 48:24]
sulûn possible noun (uncertain decl.), derived from S-L-N, q.v. [Vinyar Tengwar 48:24]
tarâg "beards” (1st decl., pl.) (in Sigin-tarâg, q.v.)
*thark "staff” (3rd decl.) (in Tharkûn, q.v.)
Tharkûn ”Staffman” (Gandalf) [The Lord of the Rings, book IV, ch. 5]
*Th-R-K radicals of *thark, Tharkûn, q.v.
*T-M(-M) radicals of *tûm, q.v.
*T-R-G radicals of *turg, tarâg, qq.v.
*tûm "bold / delving” (1st decl., type B) (in Tumunzahar, q.v.)
Tumunzahar "Hollowbold", Dwarvish name of Nogrod [The Silmarillion, ch. 10]
*turg "beard” (1st decl.) (in Sigin-tarâg, q.v.)
u- "and” (conj. / prefix) (in uzbad, q.v.)
Udushinbar (earlier form of Bundushathûr, q.v.) [The Treason of Isengard, p. 174] (alternatively: Dushinbar with a prefix)
[’ûl ”streams” (1st decl., type B) (in Azanulbizar, q.v.) [Return of the Shadow, p. 466]]
’Uruktharbun (possibly earlier form of Khazad-dûm, q.v.) [Return of the Shadow, p. 458]
uzbad ”(and) lord” (prob. 2nd decl. construct state with prefix) [The Lord of the Rings, book II, ch. 4]
’uzn "dimness” (1st decl.) (in ’ azanul-, ’Azanulbizar, qq.v.) [The Lord of the Rings, The Reader’s Companion, p. 269; misprinted: -uzu]
[uzu see ’uzn]
*zâbad "lord” (2nd decl.) (in uzbad, q.v.)
*zahar "hollow” (adj.) (in Tumunzahar, q.v.)
*zarab "keep, document” (vb.) (in Mazarbul, q.v.)
zâram ”lake, pool” (in Kheled-zâram, Narag-zâram, qq.v.) [Return of the Shadow, p. 466]
*Z-B-D radicals of *zabad, uzbad, qq.v.
Z-G-L radicals of zigil, q.v. [The Treason of Isengard, p. 174, 175]
*’-Z-Gh radicals of *’azagh, ’Azaghâl, qq.v.
zigil ”silver-coloured (adj.)” (alternatively: "spike” (uncertain decl.)) [The Treason of Isengard, p. 174, 175]
Zigilnâd "Silverlode(?)” (another name of the river Kibil-nâla’, q.v.) [Peoples of Middle-Earth, p. 279, 286]
zirak ”spike” (4th decl.) (alternatively: "silver-coloured” (adj.)) [The Treason of Isengard, p. 174, 175]Zirak ¹ short name of Zirakzigil, q.v. [The Lord of the Rings, book II, ch. 3]; ² name of Dwarf-smith (also Gamil Zirak, q.v.) [The Lost Road and Other Writings, p. 319]
Zirakinbar "Silverhorn(?)" (earlier form of Zirakzigil, q.v.) [Sauron Defeated, p. 45]
Zirakzigil ”Silvertine (one of the Mountains of Moria) [The Lord of the Rings, book II, ch. 3]
’-Z-N radicals of *’azan, ’uzn, ’azanul-, qq.v. [Return of the Shadow, p. 466]
*Z-R-B radicals of *zarab, Mazarbul, qq.v.
Z-R-K radicals of zirak, q.v. [The Treason of Isengard, p. 174]
*Z-R-M radicals of *zâram, qq.v. | |
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