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Khuzdul Pronouns Subject: ish- = 1st person singular zu- = 2nd person singular ta- = 3rd person singular ka- = 1st person plural gu- = 2nd person plural = 3rd person plural Object/Possesive: -az = 1st person male singular -at = 1st person female singular -zi = 2nd person female singular -zu = 2nd person male singular -hu = 3rd person male singular -hi = 3rd person female singular -mâ = 1st person plural -nu = 2nd person plural - = 3rd person plural the person that = ku no one = maku
Khuzdul Adjectives
A-Adjectives: 1a2a3 (a-adjective) → u12a3 bazar (deep) → ubzar (more deep) gamal (old) → ugmal (more old [ie older]) dalag (far) → udlag (more far [ie far away]) baraz (red) → ubraz (more red) shakar (sharp) → ushkar (sharper) I-Adjectives: 1i2i3 → u12i3 sigin (long) → usgin (longer) A-I Adjectives: 1a2i3 → u12ai3 gabil (great) → ugbail (greater) List of Adjs: ugmal (eldest - more old)/ubzar (deeper - more deep)/udlag (far away - more far) -ul ending: abanul (stone) khuzdul (dwarvish) 1i2i3 sigin (tall) 1a2a3/1a2a baraz (red) shakar (sharp) tada (that) 1a2i3 gabil (great) Adverbs: gagin (again) = g-g-n, gagan sullu (whole, all) =s-l-l silil sakhu = down s-kh unkhai (too [more, as specified, than should be]close) = n-kh Prepositions: ala = this is ana = to au = with (instrumental) aya (often shortened to ai) = upon lai = behold ni = in ra = and tur = through -u = in, of udu = from (ablative) undu = beneath ya = also zai = at, by Pronouns can be added to the end of prepositions: e.g. uduhu - from it
-ôn = patrynomical (ie son of ) -u = 1) indicates the location or the membership (ie of) 2) indicates the qualification and is the mark of the accusative -ul = adjs. -ûn = personal suffix (English -er, etc.) -b = expresses a collective sense, all, the totality -ar = king, lord, royality G-L-B (Verb Class 1) a12â3 = spoken language (aglâb) [{abstract} noun char. by root] a1a2â3 = spoken languages (agalâb) [{abstract} noun char. by root plural] a12u3 = spoken language of (aglub) (construct state) u12u3 = spoken langauges of (uglub) (construct state plural) 1a2a3 = spoke (galaba) 12a3i = speaks (glabi) za12a3i = will speak (zaglabi) 1a23 = speak! (galb!) 1a2â3 = speakers (galâb) [people char. by root] ma1a2a3a = spoken (passive) (magalaba) ma1a23ûn = the spoken to (magalbûn) 1i2î3în = places where language is spoken (gilîbîn) [places char. by root] 1e2ê3 = times of speech (gelêb) [plural time char. by root] 1i2î3 = words (gilîb) [diminutive plural] 1i23u = word of (gilbu) (construct state) 1i2u3 = words of (gilub) (construct state plural) 1o2ô3 = speechs, collections of words (golôb) [collective plural] 1o23u = speech of (golbu) (construct state) 1o2u3 = speeches of (golub) (construct state plural) B-R-K 1u23 = ax (burk) 1a2â3 = axes (barâk) 1u23u = ax of (burku) (construct state) 1a2u3 = axes of (baruk) (construct state plural) 1a2a3a = cleaved (baraka) 12a3i = cleaves (braki) 1i2i3i = cracked (biriki) 12i3i = cracks (briki) Tense: Continous Present: (something that is going on at this moment) 12a3i (bzagi) slays Preterit: 1a2a3a (bazaga) slayed Future: za12a3i (zabzagi) will slay Passive: ma1a2a3a (mabazaga) slayed (I was slayed - ishmabazaga) ka- (ability) = ishkabzagi (I can, am able to slay) Subjunctive: Energetic: Jussive: Imperative: 1a2a3 -> 1a23 (bazg!) satf, gurd from sataf (to step) gurud ( to have fear) | |
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