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Siewurd S. Snarenswend. C автором "Khuzdul-A" завязалась переписка, и вот что из этого получилось...

В предистории к этому, хочу сказать, что изначально
возник вопрос по поводу авторства "Khuzdul-А".
Поскольку - в дебрях интернета оный образчик конлага
был обнаружен в постах Hriv & Dis, однако скоро выяснилось,
что авторство - это коллективное и возглавляемо Freyr Strongart.

Dear Sirs:

I have recently learned that you have taken material
from the plaza site for the KhuzdulA language To be
honest. I feel rather flattered about it. However. I
don't know how clear it is that this is mainly an
artificial product that has very little to do with the
original Tolkien words. although they are part of the
corpus and the bases of the analysis for the language
and word formation. and where possible also for the
grammar. The dictionary is only part of the language..
there also exists a rudimentary grammar to it. If you
wish to use the material then I want it to be as
complete as possible. to be honest.. I don't fancy
others starting to work on a grammar different from
mine. if they expand on it however that would be fine.
If somebody does so I would also like you to send this
material to me for possible incorporation into what
exists on plaza.
You may find a lecture on the language and word
formation, history, phonetics and grammar as far as it
exists today here:

I have also recently updated the dictionary with about
one hundred new words. May I suggest that you link
back to the Lotrplaza site dictionary for additional
check back? For the Khuzdul to English this would be:

for English to Khuzdul here

and for a few sayings.

If you cannot incorporate the grammar part into
Russian because it is too difficult I would like you
to at least provide the link to the original lecture
so that people can check back there.

With kindest Regards

Freyr Strongart

Что ж, нас радует тот факт, что наше внимание кому-то польстило...
Однако это не изменит нашего решения… Творчество хоть и коллективное, но, как и прежде требует надлежащего анализа…

Категория: Свободные | Добавил: Siewurd (01.10.2008) | Автор: Siewurd W
Просмотров: 2448 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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